Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Homepage Post (1)

Hello everyone!

My name is Jami Riener.  I am 21 years old and a senior at the University of Idaho.

My major is in Public Relations with a minor in Sociology and an emphasis in Event Management.

This critical insight blog is for my class SOC431: Personal and Social Issues in Aging.

I am particularly interested in the process of aging and how it affects people socially because in my future line of work I know I am going to have to plan and coordinate events for all different age groups and make certain modifications for different disabilities and health issues depending on the age group.  I believe we should learn about aging so we can keep the elderly active in their later years.  In my opinion, you are never to old to party!  If anything, old age is an excuse to live it up.  You have less responsibilities, so why not enjoy life?

“You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”
Michael Pritchard

In this blog I will go over a number of different subjects we learn in class that I find particularly interesting.  Subjects that pertain to aging and the social issues that come along with it.

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